NETWORK PLAYER CONTROLLER is designed to control Yamaha network player which is communicated via a LAN cable by using Android device. It provides you easy and comfortable operations with Android device.
(1) Playback/control Network Player.
(2) When the internet radio is selected from this application while Network Player is connected to the internet environment, it plays on Network Player.
(3) Check/change the configurations of Network Player.
(4) Music Play feature allows you to stream music tracks directly from your Android device(*1).
(5) This application is exclusively designed for Network Player. Refer to the official website regarding supported formats and operation verification of peripheral devices.
Compatible models
Network Player
- NP-S2000
Network CD Player
- CD-N500, CD-N301
Network Receiver
- R-N500, R-N301
Network CD Receiver
- CRX-N560
*1 Due to playing conditions and/or connection environment, there might be a possibility of a playback error
Privacy Policy
This application will never collect nor externally transfer personal data stored in your smartphone / tablet.
This application performs following functions for purposes described below.
・ Making a connection under Wi-Fi enabled environment
The application uses Wi-Fi function on your mobile terminal for the purpose of operating network-enabled devices.
・ Accessing to music information stored in your smartphone / tablet
This application accesses to music information stored in your smartphone / tablet for the purpose of displaying, playing and editing the music information and/or playlist.
NETWORK PLAYER CONTROLLER dirancang untuk mengontrol pemutar jaringan Yamaha yang dikomunikasikan melalui kabel LAN dengan menggunakan perangkat Android. Ini memberi Anda operasi yang mudah dan nyaman dengan perangkat Android.
(1) Putar / kontrol Network Player.
(2) Ketika radio internet dipilih dari aplikasi ini saat Network Player terhubung ke lingkungan internet, radio itu diputar di Network Player.
(3) Periksa / ubah konfigurasi Network Player.
(4) Fitur Putar Musik memungkinkan Anda untuk mengalirkan trek musik langsung dari perangkat Android Anda (* 1).
(5) Aplikasi ini dirancang khusus untuk Network Player. Lihat situs web resmi tentang format yang didukung dan verifikasi operasi perangkat periferal.
Model yang kompatibel
Pemain jaringan
- NP-S2000
CD Player Jaringan
- CD-N500, CD-N301
Penerima Jaringan
- R-N500, R-N301
Penerima CD jaringan
- CRX-N560
* 1 Karena kondisi pemutaran dan / atau lingkungan koneksi, mungkin ada kemungkinan kesalahan pemutaran
Rahasia pribadi
Aplikasi ini tidak akan pernah mengumpulkan atau mentransfer data pribadi secara eksternal yang tersimpan di ponsel cerdas / tablet Anda.
Aplikasi ini melakukan fungsi berikut untuk tujuan yang dijelaskan di bawah ini.
・ Membuat koneksi di bawah lingkungan yang mendukung Wi-Fi
Aplikasi menggunakan fungsi Wi-Fi di terminal seluler Anda untuk keperluan pengoperasian perangkat yang mendukung jaringan.
・ Mengakses informasi musik yang tersimpan di smartphone / tablet Anda
Aplikasi ini mengakses informasi musik yang tersimpan di ponsel cerdas / tablet Anda untuk tujuan menampilkan, memutar, dan mengedit informasi musik dan / atau daftar putar.
NETWORK PLAYER CONTROLLER is designed to control Yamaha network player which is communicated via a LAN cable by using Android device. It provides you easy and comfortable operations with Android device.
(1) Playback/control Network Player.
(2) When the internet radio is selected from this application while Network Player is connected to the internet environment, it plays on Network Player.
(3) Check/change the configurations of Network Player.
(4) Music Play feature allows you to stream music tracks directly from your Android device(*1).
(5) This application is exclusively designed for Network Player. Refer to the official website regarding supported formats and operation verification of peripheral devices.
Compatible models
Network Player
- NP-S2000
Network CD Player
- CD-N500, CD-N301
Network Receiver
- R-N500, R-N301
Network CD Receiver
- CRX-N560
*1 Due to playing conditions and/or connection environment, there might be a possibility of a playback error
Privacy Policy
This application will never collect nor externally transfer personal data stored in your smartphone / tablet.
This application performs following functions for purposes described below.
・ Making a connection under Wi-Fi enabled environment
The application uses Wi-Fi function on your mobile terminal for the purpose of operating network-enabled devices.
・ Accessing to music information stored in your smartphone / tablet
This application accesses to music information stored in your smartphone / tablet for the purpose of displaying, playing and editing the music information and/or playlist.